Daily archives: April 25, 2011

Speed Training, George Park and Ride car park, Tavistock Road, 19th Apr 2011

On the hottest day of the year several Musketeers perspired heavily round a car park – all because Sharon Stevens said we should!

Kate, Caroline, Julie, Chris MP, Jackie, Sarah and Guy all took part in Sharon’s excellent master class in speed training at the park & ride opposite the George Pub in 20DegCelcius heat.

It all sounds a strange location, but for running purposes the numbered parking spaces seem ideal for running intervals to and from.

It was Caroline’s and my first time and I think we would both agree it is very worthwhile. It is hard work, if you are doing it properly and builds your speed gradually each time you go.

The sessions are once a fortnight and either Sharon or Chris MP take them.

With the support of each other we all managed to do complete the session which amounted to four times of the following — three circuits at 80% effort or what ever you might run 5km at and then one lap at 90 per cent (plus) effort.

This amounts to 16 laps, 12 at less effort and four at close to maximum effort ou commander viagra.

It is more tiring than it sounds, especially the final laps.

But we are all there to cheer and clap and encourage in true Musketeer fashion.

Julie was not well enough to sprint. Jackie went through the psychological barrier, while Sarah did very well considering she was also breathing badly. And Kate and Caroline helped each other round. Even Sharon ran for at least one lap – on the cool down.

You all start with a warm up run then do some warm-up stretching and then cool-down dynamic ands static exercises. Not that we needed much warming up – the heat is actually ideal for short sharp training, warms muscles faster and naturally.

May be more people can come and try – as you can all see it is for all standards.

By Guy