Your membership is now due for renewal. The membership period runs from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2025.
Membership options are as follows:
First Claim – £30 (includes £19 EA affiliation fee) includes
- Points on Club Grand Prix
- Club Records
- Entry to London Ballot place
- Trainer Testing (when available)
- EA affiliated discount for race entries, approx. £2 a race
Second Claim – £15 includes points on Club Grand Prix
Non Competitive – £15 includes access to social and friendly runs with trained leaders and coaches.
BACS is the preferred payment method (see details on Membership Form), however if you do need an alternative payment method please talk to one of the committee.
Please upload the 2024 -25 Membership form, link below, that needs to be returned to the Membership Secretary:
Membership is deemed to be cancelled if the membership fee is not paid within one month of the renewal date. If you are an EA affiliated member you will lose your license number.
Please note: For certain training sessions, there will also be a session subscription fee as set by the management committee.